Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Antitrust Probing of Facebook

In September of 2019, it was announced that the attorneys generals of eight states and the District of Columbia will be pursuing an antitrust investigation on Facebook, whom has agreed to comply with the investigatory process. The premise of the investigation is based on Facebook's previous acquisition of Instagram, WhatsApp, and others. Additionally, the investigation will look at whether or not "Facebook's actions may have endangered consumer data, reduced the quality of consumers' choices, or increased the price of advertising," as stated New York Attorney General Letitia James. However, Facebook is not the only platform facing investigation under these conditions. Google, Amazon and Apple are all to be investigated for similar issues. According to Tennessee Attorney General Herbert Slatery III, the investigation was put into place with the hope of seeking "structural change driven by the government."

On this blog, we have previously looked into Facebook and complications that this platform brings to users. In my opinion, advances in technology are beneficial, though they are the root of issues. When we have access to advance and to utilize new technologies, we do it. I believe that Facebook and the other tech companies under investigation are exercising the advances they have made. Having been using the platforms since they came out as such simple platforms, we have neglected to pay attention to the changes that have been made and how they impact us as consumers. Recently,
people have noticed targeted advertising that lead us to think we are being listened to or even watched. When this began to occur at such a high level, is in my opinion when people became aware of how much power these tech companies have over us. These tech companies have shifted the market from a need and buyer-driven market, to a seller-driven market, by using our information.

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